Letter to King Willem Alexander and PM Mark Rutte by James Finies

His Highness Willem Alexander, Honorable Mr Rutte,
I write this letter as a follow up on our personal meeting on Bonaire, November 16, 2013 and following
letters communications. Especially my prior letters to your Highness of June 9th, 2017 and October
22nd, 2017 and July 4, 2018 based on your promise to me and the people of Bonaire on violations of
the United Nations Charter, Human Rights and International Law by your government of the Kingdom
of the Netherlands.
As your Highness would be aware of that your promise was not complied with, on the contrary was
broken and your government abusing their power and without any remorse illegally annexed our
people and island by embedding us in your constitution in October 2017 under under unequal rights in
violation of all humanity rights.
As your Highness may know that the Dutch government recently instructed three main Dutch
constitutional and legal experts Prof. dr. Gert Oostindie, Prof. Gerhard Hoogers, and dr. Wouter
Veenendaal to investigate our organization continuous allegations and protests, of the violations of the
UN Charter on self-determination and human rights and international law since the illegal annexation
of 10-10-10. The same as I informed you in our conversation in September 2013.
For your Highness information these experts in a recent press release and report admitted and
confirmed that our island Bonaire and former Netherlands Antilles decolonization was never confirmed
by the United Nations. (see attached) And furthermore that Bonaire and the other former Netherlands
Antilles islands were unjustly removed from the UN list when your government gave its own
interpretation to the United Nations Charter article 73. The Netherlands were incorrectly absolved from
its reporting obligations and compliance to article 73 when they implemented the Statute in 1955.
For us as Bonaire this admission of the truth is a huge step, on the road to the re-listing on the United
Nations list of Non Self Governing Territories. As your Highness may remember that you questioned
me very seriously if what I want was independence, where I answered to you, no. That I want our
peoples self-determination rights to be restored and respected according to United Nations article 73.
The world was misled that we as former Netherlands Antilles were free and equal in your Kingdom. By
this recent historical admission after almost 70 years by your own constitutional experts exposed that
your government since 1954 wrongfully remains in violation of your own co-signed UN Charter and
human rights conventions.
Recently we received very disturbing indications that your intelligence service has all my personal
communications wire-tapped. I herewith kindly request your Highness influence and cooperation to
stop the Dutch government immediately from its illegal practices of violations of my human rights.
I seemingly became a victim of your government colonial political repressive actions, as there were
three attempts on my life, in September 2012, January 2015 and June 2017 and I was unlawfully
arrested in September 2019 all because standing up and voicing against your government article 73
human rights violations, your own truths that are now admitted by your own experts.
Finally I have no other choice to put your Highness Kingdom Government responsible for any attempt
on my life.
We hope that you as our King, which we all highly respect, will take the responsibility to do everything
in your power to address your government cooperation to return us back to the list of Non-Self-
Governing-Territories of the United Nations. According to Article 73 your government obligations to
restore our right to emancipation and nation-building, our self-government back to our people as your
promise to me on November 16, 2013, and Queen Wilhelmina promised to the United Nations and the
world and the Kingdom signed on June 26, 1945 and Kingdom Law of July 1, 1863 , where we all be
equally human and equally free.
